As we look forward to re-entering our sanctuary for morning worship services, we would like to share CZ’s COVID-19 Reopening Attendance Plan.
This plan was established according to the Preventive Guidelines by the CDPH (California Department of Public Health) State and Local leaders, however due to the current band on “Places of Worship,” we will post a date of reopening once the band has been lifted.
The following schedule was developed to allow everyone the opportunity to worship and fellowship in an orderly fashion while remaining conscious of extenuating circumstances.
In order to screen and process everyone in time for service we ask that you plan to arrive between 9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
RESERVATIONS may be required each Sunday to ensure we do not go over the maximum limit allowed. They will also be used to initiate contact tracing if warranted.
Anyone entering the designated entrance doors will be required to wear a face covering. Participants can wear their personal face coverings. A limited number of disposable masks will be available for those who may not have a face covering.
All Congregants/Visitors entering the building will be screened for temperature checks and asked to use hand sanitizer (Hand Sanitizer stations will be available). If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19, (shortness of breath, elevated temperature, weakness), you will not be admitted into the sanctuary and asked to contact your primary care physician.